About Us

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Our point with betterdrawing.com

If you’ve come to this page you will definitely be an art lover.

This is a time of great revolution in painting. Even small children can draw beautiful pictures with the help of digital tools without any pen, pencil or paper.

The ultimate goal of this website is to showcase new techniques and techniques in painting and to energize your artistic interests with articles and videos that preserve absolutely artistic value.


This website contains a comprehensive analysis method, not just a specific painting style.

We try our best to include many things that will benefit beginners and those who have proven their artistic skills.

Your help is definitely needed to achieve this goal. The opinions of each of you are very important. You can contact us at any time.

Motivation is an effective thing

Motivation is an effective thing. Motivation is what matters most in our lives.

We must pay attention to the opportunities in which it is poured out. The same is true of art.

The encouragement and support we receive for each picture we draw is essential for a teacher to point out mistakes. The position of a guru is very important. Online platforms have taken the place of a guru who imparts good knowledge in today’s situation.

With the change of status as a teacher, we can get the guidance of many teachers around the world with just a few clicks.

This website is guaranteed to benefit a number of mentors who provide comprehensive knowledge and inspiration in painting.pencil sketch

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